DIPSCO Brand Identity

Branding Works


A branding project for a trendy hummus brand celebrated for its natural ingredients and bold retro-inspired design.

Dipsco, the trendy hummus sensation founded in 2022, prides itself on crafting homemade goodness. 

Made from 100% natural ingredients and without any artificial preservatives, Dipsco's hummus offers a pure and flavorful indulgence that stands out in the crowded market.

This branding style draws heavy inspiration from vintage retro illustrations, perfectly complementing the brand's trendy, youthful, and approachable vibe. 

Vibrant colors are employed to enhance the branding identity, ensuring it stands out boldly. The use of jagged strokes in each design element further reinforces the retro concept, creating a cohesive and visually captivating aesthetic.

Dipsco, the trendy hummus sensation founded in 2022, prides itself on crafting homemade goodness. 

Made from 100% natural ingredients and without any artificial preservatives, Dipsco's hummus offers a pure and flavorful indulgence that stands out in the crowded market.

This branding style draws heavy inspiration from vintage retro illustrations, perfectly complementing the brand's trendy, youthful, and approachable vibe. 

Vibrant colors are employed to enhance the branding identity, ensuring it stands out boldly. The use of jagged strokes in each design element further reinforces the retro concept, creating a cohesive and visually captivating aesthetic.